Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Are Happy Endings Possible Essay - 1435 Words

We learned the term â€Å"happy endings† or â€Å"happily ever after† as young children by watching the famous and well-told love stories created by Walt Disney. Disney movies were simply made to portray magical and imaginative stories that conclude in happy endings. As a child, watching films such as â€Å"Aladdin,† â€Å"The Little Mermaid,† and â€Å"Pocahontas,† all give off feelings of pleasure and happiness in which have lead children to believe that anything is possible. Disney love stories fulfill in the idea that love is real, wonderful, and consists of no conflicts or troubles. It is noted that Disney’s love stories are actually based off of other love tales, but are created for the child state of mind. The only issue that contradicts love in the Disney†¦show more content†¦Many married couples today end their relationships in divorce for reasons such as communication and financial issues, different forms of abuse, marital infidelity, problems involving sex, and incompatibility between each other. A pattern of divorce can be present in which it could be passed down from one generation to the next and even though the couple has to suffer through it, the children will suffer as well. â€Å"Parental divorce is associated with weak emotional bonds between parents and children in adulthood (Zill, Morrison, Coiro, 1993). Longitudinal studies have suggested that marital discord erodes children’s ties with both parents, irrespective of whether the marriage eventually ends in divorce(Amato Booth, 1996)† (Amato 192). Divorce is not always the most popular choice for married couples but it is the most common, causing painful ties between the parents and the child. A major issue in society today is that people do not know how to differentiate between love and lust. Several forms of mass media including songs, motion pictures, television shows, music videos, and commercials all sell the idea that having casual sex with someone is also equivalent to being in love. Being infatuated with someone does not mean that you love them. Having sexual intercourse with someone constantly does not show your true affection for him or her, especially when the words â€Å"I love you† cease to exist. In the second scenario within â€Å"Happy Endings,† Mary is inShow MoreRelatedMargaret Atwood s Happy Endings875 Words   |  4 PagesConventional myth suggests the idea of life, love and a happy ending, usually includes getting an education, finding a mate, getting married and, preferably, a good job, having interesting hobbies, buying a house, having kids, retiring and heading off into the sunset. But what if convention isn’t the only way to a happy ending? 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