Monday, December 30, 2019

American Education Essay - 1271 Words

American Education Today’s schools have standardized promotion requirements in the hopes that all students will be promoted in fairness. Like most states, Ohio’s criteria for promotion in grade school include a passing grade in English composition, mathematics, science and reading. There are state-mandated benchmarks that must be met in all of these areas. The four levels of grading are: Advanced - student performs at a superior level; Proficient - student has a solid performance; Deficient - student’s performance is lacking; Failing - student’s performance is unsatisfactory. A student must be proficient or better in all areas to qualify for promotion. Also, if a student is not performing in the C-range or better in a majority of†¦show more content†¦Additionally, the state of Ohio uses these proficiency tests to evaluate the schools themselves. The schools must pass all areas to retain accreditation. Approximately 93% of schools evaluated are failing in at least on e area (1998-99 1). This creates problems, as teachers, under pressure to perform well, tend to teach toward the tests. Instead of having fun with their students and exploring areas related to the topic, the teacher focuses on the areas the students will be tested over. That is, their curriculum loses its wide range and tunnels towards the information covered on the tests. This tunneling tends to narrow our children’s education. The percentages of failures indicate change is needed. A new form of educating our children, which is really a return to the schoolhouse-type of education, is Mixed Age Education. MAE is an educational program built on the premise that different children learn different things at different rates. This program allows children to be organized not by age, but by skill level. The groups are generally divided into K-2 and 3-5. A child may be in Kindergarten level math and first level reading or fourth grade science and fifth grade English. The child’s progress is frequently assessed for trouble areas and to determine when he or she is ready to advance to the next level in each individual area of teaching. A child’s progress isShow MoreRelatedAmerican Education System Of Education852 Words   |  4 Pagesdifficult to understand the American system of education and the how to cope with American students. To make foreign students understand and able to cope with the America n higher education system, the author explains some assumption that is behind the education system. He noted that American higher education system has a connection with both the mechanical feature and the cultural beliefs, but not intellectual only as it is in many countries. People lacking knowledge of American culture may find it difficultRead MoreEducation And Its Influence On American Education1254 Words   |  6 PagesGraduate Education today shows traces of its European ancestors. The influences range from Greece, Egypt, Italy, Spain, and many others. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Prison Growth In American From 1970-2008

Why has there been a massive growth of the prison industry in America since the 1970s? Since the 1970s there has been a steady increase in the prison population where statistics now show from the BJS that more than one in every 100 adults are now imprisoned. Statistics from the PEW state that one in 30 men between the ages of 20-34 are behind bars; however just because there is an increase in the numbers it does not mean its due to an increase in crime. To further emphasize just how significant the growth is, the population in 1970 was around 300,000 but now the population in 2008 is over 2.3 million (BJS 2006). However there is not necessarily a parallel increase with crime; instead experts are putting the growth down to popular†¦show more content†¦The government has tried to battle this rise in the prisons by imposing larger sentences to act as a deterrent and other policies which are known as the broken window. They have introduced the three strike policy which means that if you are convicted of any 3 offences you will receive life which is a very good det errent as Virginia applies this a lot of the time and has managed to slow the growth of the population (Bratton 2002). The government are trying to impose other punishments such as rehabilitation for drug offenders and thinking about legalising drugs because when the prohibition on alcohol ended statistics taken from ACS indicate that crime actually went down. All of these ideas however have not seemed to affect the general trend of the growing prison industry. In Texas the prison industry there faced a 300% increase from 1970 to 2006 forcing a major expansion in the actually prisons. Instead of paying over 500 million dollars Texas decided to authorise a makeover of the prisons introducing drug treatments and diversion beds. By authorising this it meant that there was a huge demand in the market for new treatments and equipment which meant companies could now compete in this market. Consequently by Texas authorising this it meant that there was a sudden boost in the interest in the prison industry (John Moritz 2007). TX State Rep. Jerry Madden said that Its far better for our society if we canShow MoreRelatedChangjiang Liu Essay 21476 Words   |  6 Pages This childhood memory left a deep impression of segregation on Assata. When discussing the origin of Assata’s radicalness, we can conclude that her childhood memory was one important reason. Shakur saw government as enemy. In her speech Women in Prison: How We Are that is documented in Let Nobody Turn Us Around, she drastically denounced the government that was mainly made up by white people: â€Å"Politicians are considered liars and crooks. The police are hated†(Marable Mullings 509). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Agency Employment Free Essays

Agency employment is where a person is employed as a contract or temporary worker to fill a position in a host company. The agency is the worker’s actual employer and is responsible for payroll and taxes, superannuation, recruitment/dismissal/discipline, workers’ compensation. The host company is responsible for direction of tasks or jobs to be undertaken and determining the work available for the temporary worker on site. We will write a custom essay sample on Agency Employment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Normally there is a joint responsibility in so far as occupational health and safety is concerned. The labour hire situation results in a division of responsibility for the agency employee between the agency and the client. How should common law accommodate this? Should the agency employee be regarded as having a single employer or is there scope to consider join employment or a temporary transfer of employment to the client? The rule at common law is that an employee cannot be transferred by his or her employer to the employment of another person without some act of assent, express or implied, on the employee’s part. The essence of a contract of employment is that it is freely entered into bargain between two parties in which there is the obligation of personal service to the employer. The common law principle that an employee cannot be transferred to a new employer without his or her consent is relevant to the question whether an employee could be transferred temporarily to another employer. Where the agency worker is injured at the client’s workplace, both the client and the agency may be liable to pay damages to the injured worker. The agency can still be liable under both occupational health and safety legislation and at common law. This may be the case even if the agency employee is working on a client’s premises where there may be diminished opportunities to ensure a safe system of work. An additional basis upon which the labour hire company employer can be liable is breach of a non-delegable duty of care. The effect of this principle is that a labour hire company employer remains liable for a negligent failure to provide a safe system of work even if it is the client’s (or some third party’s) negligence which causes the employee’s injuries. Where the injury occurs at the client’s worksite, the client may also be liable as an occupier of premises for failure to take reasonable care for the safety of a lawful entrant. The agency employee may cause injury or damage either to the client or to a third party whilst working for a client. Whilst an employer is vicariously liable for the tortious wrongdoing of an employee within the course of employment, there are additional complications for agency employees and host businesses. How to cite Agency Employment, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Idea Of A New Cafe Business Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Idea Of A New Cafe Business. Answer: I have got an idea of a new cafe business which is operating in different countries and is preferred by customers. This type of cafe helps the people to enjoy quality time with their families and friends. I have analyzed and found that this type of organization is good for people who want to spend their leisure time after work. The cafe also has provision of various kinds of drinks and people of all ages enjoy quality time reading books, playing games or getting engaged in various other activities. The most important thing I found is that the cafe includes the prices of the drinks with free refills of various kinds of beverages. The customers are also provided with the option of going through any comics online. The cafe also has the provision of separate rooms to spend time with ones family. Various kinds of workshop are also held within the cafe. I have explored the comics and magazine section and have realized that there are more than 10,000 books which are available in the cafe. T he cafe also has the provision of privacy so that one can access the internet according to the convenience. I have analyzed the entire market and have found that there are numerous companies who are operating in this field. ABC cafe has special designed games for its customers and thus they are doing monopoly business in this field. Moreover, the caf also has a large stock of comic and magazine collection as compared to its competitors. I have examined the caf carefully and have found that they give value to their employees. The caf not only focuses on profitability but also tries to fulfill the needs and demands of the customers at an affordable price. The unique selling proposition of the caf is that they serve complementary food and drinks with various games. Moreover, the customers can also access the library and the comics section free of cost. The customers can also pay monthly fees and get registered themselves as VIP customers. This will help them to avail the extra benefit like reservation system, pre order services, drinks and many more. The introduction of VR games has also attracted the customers and this has helped ABC caf to stay ahead of its competitors. I have also visited the other cafes but did not receive the quality service as provided by ABC caf. The most attractive offer of the caf is that if a person refers to his/her friend or relatives, he/she will get an additional discount and various other benefits. This will help in reducing the marketing cost of the company and the caf has expanded its business and developed a huge customer base by adopting this policy. The caf has also planned to replace the paper books by I-books and this will help in reducing the cost of caf which they bear in cloud technology. I have personally talked with the manager of the caf and found that people prefer to go through paper books rather than I-book. If the company removes the service of paper books immediately, it will have to suffer losses initially. Thus, it can be said that ABC caf must expand its business and improve its quality of food so as to retain the customers. The idea of this caf is challenging and its provides new opportunities to the business man as well as the customers to enjoy the new technology.